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What fruits should diabetics avoid?

In general, people should not abstain from eating fruits because they are beneficial foods, rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium , magnesium, as well as vitamins such as vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, and dietary fiber that plays an important role in slowing

What not to eat before vaccination

Vaccination is a way to help build immunity for the body to prevent infection. Reduce the severity of the disease and help reduce the spread of diseases such as influenza, COVID-19, dengue fever. However, knowing the precautions to take. When getting vaccinated, such as what

What is Healthy Eating?

Healthy eating is a form of eating for health, or what is called Healthy food or Healthy Food, by emphasizing eating food that has high nutritional value, meaning. It has all 5 nutrients that the body needs: carbohydrates, protein, minerals, vitamins, and fat. You have

“Leukemia” is a common cancer in children

The most common cancer in young children is leukemia. Which is a non-genetic cancer and there is no way to prevent it. Parents and guardians should know the signs of the disease and how to behave to benefit the treatment and prevent it from coming

Warning signs your body is lacking magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in hundreds of chemical reactions, including blood sugar control, blood pressure control, muscle and nervous system function, brain function, energy metabolism, and protein synthesis. About 60% of the human body ‘s magnesium is in bones

7 foods to eat to cleanse your blood

Maintaining good health is very important in today’s fast-paced world. Detoxification and blood cleansing are important parts of overall health care. Clean blood affects both physical and mental health. The relationship between food and blood health cannot be overlooked as certain foods are said to