One significant downside of the manufacturing process used to produce margarine is that it creates a type of fat known as trans fats. According to the American Chemical Society, there are two types of fats: trans fats and cis fats. While they are similar in structure. There are vital differences in their shapes that affect how the human body processes them.
Margarine has its roots as a cheaper alternative to butter. Which won’t surprise anyone who has ever compared butter and margarine prices in the dairy aisle. UFABET After World War II, marketing teams heavily pushed to consumers. But consumers considered it an inferior product (per a 2017 review from Contemporary British History). Sales did not take off until the 1980’s when rebranding efforts cast margarine in a new light: a health food. producers touted it as a plant-based alternative to butter based on mounting evidence. That ingesting animal products were linked to heart disease. They improved its flavor and spreadability. Because people won’t buy food that is (supposedly) good for them. They want it to taste good, too.

Since then, has gone through a transformation. But the Harvard Medical School in 2020 claimed is not healthier than butter. Some types might be less healthy than butter. Margarine may increase the risk of several chronic diseases. And doesn’t fit into the “eat real food” movement prevalent today. For these reasons, and more below, you may want to avoid margarine.