Food “forbidden” of patients with “liver” disease

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Food “forbidden” of patients with “liver” disease

encephalopathy from liver disease

Hepatic encephalopathy refers to a medical condition. Which severe scar tissue forms within the liver. It blocks the blood flow normally transported through the liver. blood that needs to be rid of waste from the liver flows back to the central circulatory system causing impaired mental functioning Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. Focus on reducing the amount of toxic substances such as ammonia, which are by-products of protein digestion. does not mean. All patients must have a restriction on their protein intake. People treating encephalopathy that does not respond to lactulose or neomycin only require a low protein intake. actually Consumption of less than 20 grams of protein per day is impractical for long-term treatment. And doctors do not recommend this method of treatment. Report from

ascites and edema

Dropsy (Ascites) is a symptom of the patient’s abdomen. Fluid accumulation Edema means fluid buildup in the tissues. This is usually the feet, legs or back, both ascites and edema. causing abnormal accumulation of sodium in combination with portal hypertension and liver disease in patients with these conditions Sodium intake is usually limited. Patients are allowed to consume no more than 2 to 3 grams of sodium, refraining from canned food. All sausages or deli meats, spices and certain cheeses to replace such food Patients can use lemon juice.

bile retention

When there is bile retention (Cholestasis) The liver is unable to get rid of bile, so the patient will have fatty stools. (steatorrhea) or impaired fat absorption (fat malabsorption). Symptoms are fat and foul-smelling stools. People with biliary congestion can take fat supplements. to be able to help Such supplements include medium-chain triglycerides. (medium-chain triglycerides), MCT oil or safflower oil These oils can be absorbed without the help of bile from the liver. Fatty stools It also interferes with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Fortunately, there are alternative supplements available. What the patient should do is Follow your doctor’s instructions.

Wilson disease

Wilson disease is accompanied by impaired copper metabolism, so people with Wilson disease have copper accumulation in many organs in the body. From the liver to the brain and even the cornea. Therefore, the patient needs copper removal drugs or penicillamine. Additionally, patients should not consume any foods containing copper such as chocolate, nuts, shellfish and mushrooms.

iron overload

iron overload Hemochromatosis occurs when the intestines are unable to properly absorb iron. Excess iron is deposited in the liver, pancreas and other organs in the body. Patients with iron overload should not take iron supplements. In addition, patients can follow their normal diet plan.