“Sweating a lot” due to hot weather or health problems

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In hot weather, it’s certain that many people may have problems with sweating, making them feel insecure all day long. But sweating that much could be a warning sign of some kind of disease?!

First, you have to distinguish whether you have a problem with excessive sweating or whether the weather is so hot that you sweat. If you feel that you sweat abnormally and all the time even in cold weather, whether it is on your hands, feet or armpits. It means that there is a problem that needs to be solved. Because of course, even though it is not a disease, it is a sign of health and an obstacle in your life. It also ruins your personality.

What is the origin of “sweat”?

The human body is made up of various organs that work together to create various processes.

Metabolism is another important process of the body that changes the food we eat into energy, causing the body to generate heat. When the body generates heat, the body has a mechanism to control or release that heat in the form of “sweat” to keep the body’s heat at an appropriate level. 

Causes of excessive sweating

Hyperthydrosis is a condition in which the body sweats excessively, even in normal weather conditions. It can be divided into two groups based on symptoms: 

  • Primary Hyperhydrosis: This group has excessive sweating of unknown cause and is not caused by complications of other diseases. It can occur in both males and females. Patients in this group will sweat in certain areas of the body, such as the face, head, armpits, and palms. In the group with excessive sweating of the palms, it may be called sweaty palms or sweaty hands. 

It is often found in young people, especially teenagers under 25 years of age. 30-40 percent of people with this condition have a close relative or parent who also has excessive sweating. Some patients sweat so much in their hands that they cannot write or hold objects. This condition causes problems in terms of work, socializing, and daily life.

  • Secondary Hyperhydrosis: Patients in this group sweat a lot all over their body. Even while sleeping, which is caused by side effects of other diseases such as:
    • Hyperthyroidism causes the body to have a high metabolic rate.
    • Pulmonary tuberculosis
    • Lymphoma
    • People who are obese or very obese
    • Perimenopausal women
    • Taking certain medications, etc.

Initially, the doctor must classify the patient’s level of excessive sweating by looking at the characteristics of the sweat. For example, patients with secondary symptoms. Will be examined in other areas to diagnose the real cause of the disease, such as testing the function of the thyroid gland to find hyperthyroidism or treating together with an endocrinologist in cases where the patient is very obese or obese. Studies have found that the incidence of primary hyperhidrosis patients is 0.6 to 1 percent of the population with these symptoms.

Treatment of excessive sweating

  • Non-surgical treatment involves the use of certain topical medications or injections of certain substances. However, these treatments are only supportive treatments because they cannot completely cure patients from excessive sweating.
  • The only current treatment method that can cure patients of this condition is the endoscopic sympathectomy. This surgery is called Thoracoscopic sympathectomy, which is based on the principle that the body’s sweating is controlled by the brain through the sympathetic nervous system, which sends signals along the small nerves through the sympathetic ganglia to the end of the sweat glands, causing sweating. Therefore, there is no signal sent to the end sweat glands, so there is no sweating in that area.

However, you can take care of your basic cleanliness by wearing clothes that can wick away sweat, showering at least twice a day, http://ufabet999.app using deodorant or alum to solve various body odor problems, or if you sweat, you can bring a change of clothes to work after braving the heat to work every morning.